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One School of Thought

Los Angeles teachers discuss the potential of the Common Core State Standards to transform the art and science of teaching and learning.

Teachers Talk Back: Syeita Rhey

In this conversation with E4E-Connecticut Outreach Director John Tucker, Syeita discusses teaching in the same city in which she grew up and the importance of being an active member in her union.

Paths for All

New York City teachers see parental engagement, more time to collaborate, and better resources for differentiation as ways to ensure USPs are served by Common Core.

Meaningful and Fair

New York teachers envision elevating tenure to be a meaningful professional milestone based on evaluation and ensuring fair and timely due process for all teachers.

Closing Gaps

Minnesota teachers developed recommendations to improve the state’s teacher workforce to be more diverse, culturally competent, and highly effective.

Reimagining Tenure

The legal debate on tenure, as raised by the California Vergara case, created momentum among educators to better define the prestige and protections within their profession.

Teacher voices on NCLB

As the debate on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) begins, teachers' voices have been missing. E4E-Los Angeles teacher Phylis Hoffman recently asked several colleagues for their views (Education Week's "Teaching While Leading" blog).

Giving thanks for our students through advocacy

E4E-Los Angeles Teacher Policy Team on School Climate member Araceli Morfin shares her experience in briefing the Black and Latino Caucuses in Sacramento, and how she hopes other educators will get involved.

None of the Above

New York City teachers recommend improvements to assessments by improving accuracy of tests, creating positive testing environments, and using data to drive instruction.

Quality Compensation

In 2014, Minnesota teachers came together to evaluate the state’s Quality Compensation program.

Our Professional Perspective

Connecticut teachers recommend improving PD by aligning it to evaluations, engaging teachers to select and lead PD, and setting a vision.

Pay it Forward

Los Angeles teachers focused on differentiated compensation, reviewed research, and studied the implementation of various compensation systems across the country.

The Equity Movement

Los Angeles teachers came together to review research and make recommendations for implementing the School Climate Bill of Rights.